Hello, world.
My name is Daniel Klintworth. If you're reading this, chances are you're here to look at my qualifications as a potential employee. If so, thank you. If not, I hope you enjoy my portfolio regardless.
I am a 27-year-old college graduate from Westerville, Ohio with a BA in Computer Science from Hiram College (Class of 2014). While I am presently lacking in work experience, I am far from lacking in world experience. I have travelled from London to Los Angeles and Minneapolis to Madrid, as well as to countless other locales from which I have been able to glean a wide view of the workings of the world and better understand art, architecture, culture, and how they vary from time to time and place to place. I have also busied myself with eclectic hobbies; such as composition, sketching, writing, and graphic design; just to name a few.
My strongest out-of-major skills are in design, editing, and linguistics. What this means to say is that I feel I would make an excellent editor, although I have never had the privilege of practicing professionally; I have a passion for design and believe I would be a superb addition to a design team although my graphical portfolio is weak; and although I am fluent in no languages but English, I am very interested in languages and would be interested in learning more languages.
I am looking for a full-time paid internship or job somewhere in the United States that will allow me to use my varied talents and experience while building a foundation of workplace experience that will enable me to attain higher positions, within or outside of a company. I am open to relocation, either within the Columbus area, elsewhere in the US, or internationally.
For more information on my skills, interests, experiences, achievements, or for information on how to contact me, please choose the appropriate link from the navigation menu on the left.
What I lack in professional work experience, I'd like to think I make up for with skills and a knowledge of theory. While I don't believe it possible to create a comprehensive list of all of my skills and talents, the following is as close as I think one can get. Feel free to ask about anything listed here, or to browse my Projects section to see some examples of my work.
Artistic and Visual Skills
- Excellent working knowledge of color theory
- Ample experience with Photoshop and GIMP raster image editors
- Experience with Inkscape and Adobe vector editors
- Eye for style and well-developed sense of design
- Superb 3D spacial awareness
- Familiarity with various styles of visual and structural art
- Amateur composer and keyboardist
Linguistic and Communicative Skills
- Advanced comprehension of Iberian and Latin American varieties of Spanish
- Superior fluency in American English with a good working knowledge of British and Australian English
- Practiced diplomat
- Wide vocabulary
- Practiced proofreader and editor
- Well-travelled; exposed to numerous cultures
Computer and Technology Skills
- Experienced in database design
- Thorough knowledge of Python and Java
- Well-versed in HTML 5, CSS 3, and Javascript
- Familiarity with C/++, C#, Perl, Ruby, PHP, JQuery, and MySQL
- Ample experience working with Windows and Linux machines
- Intimate familiarity with Source SDK (development software)
- Highly adept with multiple office software suites (Eg. MS Office, Libre Office)
- Experience contributing to collaborative projects (via Github)
Miscellaneous Skills
- Competent swimmer
- Talented singer
- Good navigational abilities
Projects and Crafts
Some time ago, in addition to an avid player of Valve's Team Fortress 2, I was an active member of their mapping community: while other well-known modern FPSes often tend to sell "map packs" as DLC, offering those with overstuffed wallets the chance to play on better or simply different maps, Valve allowed fans who played TF2 on PC to create maps of their own with their Source Development Kit. Developing maps such as koth_playa
afforded me the opportunity to hone my 3D spacial awareness, gain familiarity with a professional tier game map development program, experiment with elements of design not featured in many of the stock maps from TF2, and work with peers to improve a design based on feedback and critique. The map, while not perfect or even as finished as I might like it to be, has been left unchanged for long enough that at this point, I would call it a final product.
This map is a king-of-the-hill gamemode map, set in a South American salt flat (or 'playa') where both teams are on equal footing, owning to the map's rotational symmetry. The map features a number of features catering to advanced players, such as alternate routes that require crouch-jumping to traverse, and roofs that offer a high vantage point from which one may survey or assault the battlefield. Still, these advantages do not make the map unplayable for those with less experience at the game; the crouch-jumping routes are not the only way to avoid paths that may be implausible for members of a certain team to traverse, and the difficult-to-access high grounds offer little cover, meaning any player that takes such a position will have great trouble trying to hold it, and shall not endlessly terrorize their enemy from a far-reaching bunker.
This map made it to the beta stage of development, meaning it is fully textured, detailed, and well-optimized; however, not all structural features were completely finalized.
The content contained within this map was primarily drawn from the stock TF2 resources within the SDK; exceptions to this include a small number of textures which were modified or created by myself (most notably the dirt texture used for the ground and the signs for both BLU and RED's front companies), the salt textures, and the skins used on the cacti. Certain features of this map were inspired by or drawn directly from the source files of stock maps made by Valve. Thanks goes out to the TF2Maps community and the Cafe of Broken Dreams for their assistance in testing and creating this map.
One of the first ideas I had when I began making maps for TF2 was to place a control point underwater. The idea fascinated me, as although water features with some prominence in a number of stock and community maps, no maps I had seen before ever took an objective and placed it underwater. This concept of an underwater control point was toyed with again and again, but working off of the design I'd been using for so long, I got to a point where the map was more cluttered detail than it was a good playable map. Therefore, I decided to go back to the drawing board, and create a map that would feature an underwater control point, but perhaps not so much of the underwater combat which so fascinated me, but irritated testers.
The previous version of cp_laguna
was made primarily with stock TF2 resources from within the SDK and assets from the TF2Maps Swamp Pack, which has since been incorporated into the assets in the base game. Thanks go out to the TF2Maps community and the old regulars of Baron's Pub for their assistance and support.
My most recent map is a re-imagining of the concept behind cp_laguna
: this time, the battlefield is an industrial district somewhere in the northwestern Mediterranean--probably Liguria or Provence, centered around an ephemeral stream, crossed by several bridges, and with a control point at the bottom of the streambed. Play moves from the center point toward the ends of the map--either toward a RED- or BLU-controlled base--through a warehouse or factory-like area, a yard, and finally into some sort of secret weapon plant or rocket launching site hidden behind a façade of normalcy, much in the style of the stock map cp_granary
. I've been doing work to improve gameplay with testing help from the community at TF2Maps while still staying true to my original idea, but work on my map competes with job searching and work on other skills I'm trying to hone and projects I'm working on.
This newer version of Laguna utilizes resources from the TF2 SDK's stock selection in addition to assets from the Bullet Crops Project, the TF2Maps Construction Theme, and the Facepunch Vehicle Competition collection.
Offsite Resources
If you want to get in touch with me, read up on my alma mater, or print out a copy of my résumé, this is the page to point you where to go. The following resources are all maintained independently of this site, although a couple are still primarily my work. Of course, I cannot make any claims or guarantees regarding the content of quality of any of the sites I'm not in charge of maintaining.
For contact information, please consult my LinkedIn profile or my résumé. My preferred methods of communication are text message, e-mail, and mobile, in that order.